and you think...ok. reply. I have to be clever. and interesting. something good. there's so many things to say. No time will suffice. I'll totally write back at lunch.
and you never do.
dear friends, readers, lovers, fans. This is my returned delayed email reply.
there's too much to say - to go from then to now.
Let's go with an old-school top three, for today, and today alone.
1. I don't care how many times they Play '1901' on whatever lame FM radiostation Torontoians listen to. THE NEW PHOENIX ALBUM IS GOOD FROM START TO FINISH. And even the remixes I've heard so far are making me think this album is going be the Bill Murray cameo of every Kelly/DJ Deadbeat dad mixtape for years.
Today I really like this one: no wait, this one:
seeeeeee? so many gems.
2. ONCE in a WHILE the best solution to a Saturday hangover is not to solve it at all. Wallow in it. Eat no vegetables. Spend a mere hour outside in the beautiful June sun but complain incessantly. Read "11,002 reasons to be miserable" out loud in the park (my current favourites: Oprah. nostril hair. babies.) eat the food of jock-girlfriend-abusers (we like: wings. big macs. french fries. gravy.) make the livingroom a fort. But most importantly: lay back and let a complete TV series wash over you in utter comedic gluttony for hours on end. If you pick 30 Rock, we'll be friends for life.
3. I'm quarter-life crisising. I knooooow. I'm a fucking white-middle-class-post-graduate-city dwelling-cliche. I'm lying in a permanent unmotivated milky white haze of hangovers and slothlike ambition. I'm content to swim through this malaise of modernity. for at least another week.

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