Thursday, April 2, 2009

How to win the weekday war.

1. Tease. At ONE MINUTE long – the newest Erol Alkan remix for Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Zero is already burning a hole in my overworked little office speakers. I kind of forgot about the YYYs…maybe I’ll go see them in like, California or something. They’re headlining some festival I think I’m going to …. As for you, Alkan, you amaze us as always. Love, hearts, stars, applause.

2. Dance. AGO Massive Party – recipe for success? You have to know the official party planning committee guru…then watch as your most talented friends of friends come together with all of your favourite sweetly dressed girlfriends…throw in a billion free drinks and make eyes at the suits…and you’ve got a weeknight party that could seriously ruin any semblance of Friday productivity you had envisioned…

3. Race like someone’s counting* I have officially met my morning lane swim match. AND! He’s under 70. I know! Today I threw down a good 60 laps. Thanks i-have-no-idea-what-your-name-is swimming friend. I am actually exhausted.

*I am.

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