1. Be nice to cab drivers. Your friends will give you a hard time. Make you always sit in front. Chide you for flirting with old Indian men. BUT when in three consecutive weekends, you lose your cell phone (x2) and your wallet and cab drivers personally bring them back to you the same day solely on their own accord, I’m not so silly after all friends.
2. I’m considering taking March on the wagon. I KNOW! It’s crazy. I like gin like most girls like vibrators. And I’m no weekend warrior. This cold turkey thing would send ripples throughout the week. No Wednesday drinks at my local. No free wine at art openings. No drinks to aid my wreckless abandon dance moves. Can it be done? Why would I want to do such a crazy thing anyway? I know you are dying to ask.
I’ll tell you, dear readers: the reasons are three-fold.
reason #1. Moneymoneymoneymoney. I spend more money on booze than the average Stepford wife and I definitely don’t have the absent rich husband (ew) to pay for it.
reason #2. Decisionsdecisionsdecisions. I don’t make good ones on the ol’ gin. Drunk texting and bathroom make outs are soooo 2008.
reason #3. Skinnyskinnyskinny. No one ever got skinny on 3 bottles of gin a week.
3. Do something that scares you. So the guy from your pilates class asks you for drinks? And your safe zone instinct say that pilates flirter is a pretty man who does girly exercise classes and is therefore, gay, and thus, confused. So you say “maybe?” and then said cute pilates man never comes back. Causing you to think he might have just been trying pilates to meet girls, and therefore, NOT gay. Fuck. Foiled again.
Sidenote: crackberriez take photos that Invisible Monster protagonists dream of. Like instant soap opera blown out lighting that practically erases half the face. And sometimes? It kind of works.

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