I’m trying to be more honest. And more sweet. These traits are something of a paradox for me.
Recently, someone asked me “What if it was socially acceptable to actually say what you honestly thought all the time? Good or bad? Just the straight-from-your-head truth?”
It would be disastrous, of course. But sometimes, it would be nice to say what you really think…things like:
“you have absolutely no sense of style, like, none.”
“sometimes I can’t look at you because you are too beautiful.”
I think I try and say the good things I am thinking. But not enough, hence the introduction to “Sweet Kelly in 2009” wherein I am trying to be the sweeter, softer version of my usually harsh and bitter self.
Don’t worry, the ice hasn’t completely melted and we’re not talking total redesign here, but maybe a compliment here and there will be good for me, right?
p.s. I still hate most things. Don’t worry.
p.p.s Sweet or not Sweet Kelly: I would still break-up with anyone who would give me a Valentine's Day gift, as clearly that would indicate a total lack of knowing who the hell I am to think I would ever celebrate such an insincere corporate vomitfest.
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