Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Top 3 Best and Worst for Tuesday:

1.BEST Globe and Mail headline in recent memory:“Yoda to help Canadian troops overcome phantom menace of stress”
Also: kind of the worst. Post-traumatic stress syndrome is historically undervalued and misunderstood. That we are subjecting legitimately affected war veterans to counseling via Star Wars is horrifying. That said, holy moly what a bi-line.

2. WORST Saturday night decision:
A quiet night instead of the party HENCE: missing James Murphy secretly DJing at the Beaver Saturday night.
Where was I? Falling asleep at a table at the Embassy.
This is not unlike the last time a musical impresario breezed through town and I missed out.
There is a reason I say “YES” to most social suggestions. When I don’t my friends end up dancing all night in lofts with the de-helmeted men of Daft Punk (worst “NO THANKS” of my life circa August 2007) or pounding back scotch and soda with the driving force behind the best lo-fi-dance disc in recent history.

3. BEST way to find new music.
Mix tape swaps are the HypeMachine. Forget downloading, buying records or streaming myspace. The only way to get the goods is to host a mixtape swap. If you aren’t listening to a dozen handmade, handwritten, carefully designed playlists today, get with it. Who knew I liked so much Australian music? Or that my friends were so crafty? (Ok, I knew they were…this is the 2nd annual affair we’re talking about…).

(Kelly Best of '08 cover)

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