Well after 90 minutes of this verbal abuse, violence, humor, suicide and crimes against nature, your family will seem like a boring family sitcom rerun.
Festen – the newest buzz-worthy Canadian small stage production is the cure for any family dread you thought you had.
Disturbing and moving, Festen was truly entertaining.
Seated in the 2nd row with the ridiculously handsome lead actor making eyes at my friend-date for the first 10 minutes…
“Kell, I’m starting to get a bit uncomfortable here…but holy shit he’s hot” those moments setting the stage for the next 2 hours of intensity.

The set design was so well done – at times forcing you to imagine separated spaces while three or four conversations took place all on the same bed.
Forget the back woods of Nova Scotia, Norwegien WASPs know how to ruin a perfectly lovely dinner party with mouths more dirty than a Fight Club love interest.
Side bar: while waiting in the lobby with my lovely friend date – my eyes caught those of a familiar face.
Tell me, what is the protocol for recognizing the nude model you routinely draw at drop-in art class?
Do you say hello, or just sit there, smug in the knowledge of all of the nuances of her now-clothed figure?
It’s a bit strange.
I chose the ‘half-smile, semi-ignore’ response.
Perhaps it was just a prologue to the next 2 hours of tension.
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