Timber Timbre doesn’t want you to dance. But he’s still pretty great. Now. Live? Unneccessary. Even in the quiet room of my favourite record store did the music seem too austere and cold for a night so chilled. Jeff Buckley meets Tiny Tim meets Arthur Russell. Perhaps these references are too lofty.
In other news. This is the Monday top 3.
1. What the hell is the deal with f’ing sidewalks in Toronto.
At about 8:57 this morning I seriously would have given a blow job to David Miller to get rid the goddamn ice/snow ridiculousness so I could actually walk like a normal human being rather than this tiptoe-please-don’t-fall-in-front-of-anyone bullshit.
2. Saturday highlight: bundled in fur and wool and still cold-footed – we braved the chill of a bleak garage and the annoyance of too many under-agers to see some local gems. Expecting to increase my love of the Bicycles, I instead found new gold – Skeleton Me. Luke Lalonde (of Born Ruffians. who I was all over after a ridiculous Wolfe Island introduction in ’06.)
Grizzly Bear feedback meets Dylan’s jangly vocals and a soft guitar. The ghostly soft soprano in sister form. Add a Buddy Holly aesthetic and I am going on a celery diet and studying the history of blues until I am worthy to marry this 18 year old. (ok. Maybe not marry. Let’s not forget ourselves here.)
LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23): That negative frame of mind you've found so hard to shake off will disappear in an instant today, and suddenly the world will be a brighter, happier place again. The sun in Aquarius over the next few weeks will bring back that dazzling Libra smile.
Dazzling, no less. Hearts to you Globe.

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