The good:
No BRITNEY. (Recent rumors had us shaking in our vintage boots at the indie cred suicide her presence would incite…but then again, Goldenvoice loves the last minute zingers and I predict she could rear her grade-four-educated-head on Sunday night.
The bad:
WAYYYY less electronic. (BUT still there’s: MSTRKFT, Girl Talk, Hercules, Junior Boys…)
No pavement Reunion. No Radiohead/Smiths.
This is a festival line up in true, authentic fesitival style – a bit of everything with a real throwback to its rock festival grandfathers…
Yes, there’s no Erol Alkan. No Radiohead or Sigur Ros.
But perhaps the glitz and flash of years’ past has given way to this year’s sea of legitimate, worthy, lasting acts. Stuff I’ll remember long after I’m over listening to weird synth drug idled dance candy.
Right now:
I’m creating new playlists and digging out bikini tops.
I’m planning summer dresses and dreaming of sun.
I’m eating only celery and doubling workouts.
I’m excited and it’s fucking Friday.
See you at Steamwhistle tonight. I’ll be the one manically smiling in the din of the brewery and dancing like crazy in the bombshelter afterparty.
Friday, January 30, 2009
It's Here.....
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
the future is unwritten.
I’ve been on a Clash kick this week.
The sharp immediacy adds the missing impact to my day.
I got really into Joe Strummer in university. I had a prof who used to be buddies with the legendary punk himself back in the day. We read Clash lyrics and talked about the re-appropriation of Doc Martens and slam dancing and were allowed to stage protests for course credits.
Strummer grew up all over the world – his worldly influences are what make songs like “Rock the Casbah” timeless – he wasn’t just a 3 chord angry kid from Brixton who wanted to scream for the attention of it all – he wanted to see reactions in the injustice he saw around him like he had seen in Mexico City and Calcutta. Hence, “White Riot”….
I saw his posthumous documentary a million moons ago, but I can still remember how I felt when I heard his famous BBC ‘the meaning of it all’ spiel… it shook me up . And I know it seems simplistic or naively optimistic, but the core is there: if you don’t do something about it, then you’re the culprit too.
People can change anything they want to and that means anything in the world.
People are running about following their little tracks and I am one of them.
But we've all got to stop just following our own little mouse trail.
People can do anything, this is something I am beginning to learn.
People are out there doing bad things to each other, it's because they are being de-humanised.
It's time to take the humanity back into the centre of the ring and follow that for a time.
Greed really ain't going anywhere, they should have that in a big billboard across Times Square.
Without people you are nothing,
…that's my spiel.”
- Joe Strummer, aka. The Shit.
Friday, January 23, 2009
this is for you Animals.
1. The blank Coachella poster has become the bane of my existence. I want to see THE SMITHS RADIOHEAD PAUL MCCARTNEY DAVID BOWIE BEIRUT KINGS OF LEON PAVEMENT names in bold and all of the other gems to look forward to. I want to replace the aging 2008 lineup posted on my fridge. I want to plan summer dresses and start two-a-day workouts so when Stephen Malkmus scans the crowd in mid kindling for the masses he’ll fall in love and leave his silly* wife and we’ll flee the country together fueled only on musical sweet nothings and chocolate covered coffee beans. Romanticize this much?
*probably not so silly. And the mother of his children. Clever amazing men like Malkmus don’t marry idiots. Maybe we can be polygamous together. I could dig it.
2. I’m restless and anxious for the cozy confides and music swelling out of the walls in tonight’s promise of fun. Guitars and drinks and friends and art and secrets and debates and records and cigarettes on balconies. What else could you want on a cold Friday night?
3. Merriweather Post motherfucking Pavilion. Animal Collective, cheers, hearts, love to you. When every guy in the band lives in different city (one across the ocean). And you still deliver absolute perfect synth handclapping reverb looping gems, you make me think anything is possible. MY GIRLS could be the best song of 2009 (ask me again in December. I’ll stand by it.) This album is EVERYTHINGUNIVERSEAMAZINGPERFECT.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
dark was the night
Greg Gillis was a biomolecular engineer. In Pittsburg, he wore brown suits and on the weekends would sweat through his AA deep V’s in full mash-up abandon. He would play sets around the world, as long as promoters promised to have him back to his day job on Monday by 9 a.m. By 2007, his Dr. Jeykll/Mr. Hyde lifestyle was over when colleagues started seeing him in magazines surrounded by AA models and clad only in his gitch.
I don’t want to work in the music industry cause I think, unless you’re doing it, then you’re just the administration without the heart. too selfish for the superficiality of it all, even if new albums, new songs, new shows, are what get me out of bed.
That’s why I like it when music and good works come together…though I question the bottom line results of the labour, the dream of melding music and meaning seems a few inches closer
Listen here
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Of bartenders, birthdays, and bassists
Wednesday top 3.
1. With trepidations and equal parts intrigue, we walked the excruciating 5 blocks to see a piece of a puzzle that, in 2002, came together to create a future where the radio might actually, occasionally, play good music. Yes, The Strokes were immediately commercial, but don’t forget, This Is It. WAS IT. That album is tight, immediate and so on point.
2. “ Hello motherfuckers cause I’m back from exile” might be the best lyric in recent memory. Anyone who was only there to see a Stroke in real life, suddenly paid attention when this rambling yet sharp as a tack song kicked up.
3. Dear bartenders at the Elmocambo, when you open a beer for me, charge me $6 and then give me back change no smaller than twoonies, I hate you for making me look like a cheap bastard. I used to bartend. I get it. you want me to tip you. But two bucks for leaning over, selecting the right green bottle and a .4 second wrist action to open said bottle is not worth a total of $8. This isn’t King street and you’re not even hot.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
love letters
Why are you so smart and so cute? Valedictorian and youngest presidential speechwriter in history? Aw shucks Jon.
I like your aviators and your grad school boy good looks.
You’re a pretty good writer too.
Soo, like, what are you doing after this speech thingy today?
Like, wanna hang out and write stuff together? I’m real good at English.
Monday, January 19, 2009
don’tdance don’tdancedon’tdance don’tdaaance
Timber Timbre doesn’t want you to dance. But he’s still pretty great. Now. Live? Unneccessary. Even in the quiet room of my favourite record store did the music seem too austere and cold for a night so chilled. Jeff Buckley meets Tiny Tim meets Arthur Russell. Perhaps these references are too lofty.
In other news. This is the Monday top 3.
1. What the hell is the deal with f’ing sidewalks in Toronto.
At about 8:57 this morning I seriously would have given a blow job to David Miller to get rid the goddamn ice/snow ridiculousness so I could actually walk like a normal human being rather than this tiptoe-please-don’t-fall-in-front-of-anyone bullshit.
2. Saturday highlight: bundled in fur and wool and still cold-footed – we braved the chill of a bleak garage and the annoyance of too many under-agers to see some local gems. Expecting to increase my love of the Bicycles, I instead found new gold – Skeleton Me. Luke Lalonde (of Born Ruffians. who I was all over after a ridiculous Wolfe Island introduction in ’06.)
Grizzly Bear feedback meets Dylan’s jangly vocals and a soft guitar. The ghostly soft soprano in sister form. Add a Buddy Holly aesthetic and I am going on a celery diet and studying the history of blues until I am worthy to marry this 18 year old. (ok. Maybe not marry. Let’s not forget ourselves here.)
LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23): That negative frame of mind you've found so hard to shake off will disappear in an instant today, and suddenly the world will be a brighter, happier place again. The sun in Aquarius over the next few weeks will bring back that dazzling Libra smile.
Dazzling, no less. Hearts to you Globe.

Monday, January 12, 2009
Snowstorm, schmostorm*
A parade of you favourite friends. Gin. Tonic. Belmonts. Laugh a lot. Listen to Grizzly Bear.
Wrestle out of the comfort of the Bermuda triangle. Re-establish your love of one vintage Levis cowboy shirt. ‘Saturday mixtape’. Meet everyone down the street for the cutest afternoon line-up eva...Sports. Green Go. Winter Gloves. Hexes and Ohs.
Winter Gloves. I have such a hard on for this band. They sound so good I am continuously baffled by their slow rise…not to mention how ridiculously hot they are.
Overheard on song #4:
Q: Why are you not doing this guy? (or at least trying to…)
A: In response to calls of ‘encore’ lead singer: “Sorry we have to get home. It’s late. We have babies.”
I’ll say it again, I hate babies. They ruin everything.
Green Go have a great sound, all former-band-kid-well-trained and synthy. A bit awkward on the ‘between-songs-banter’. *
*upcoming party alert: rumour has it Green Go lead vocalist is DJing the next Unsigned with the band to host an afterparty under (?! C’est possible?) the Cameron House – which would be a change from the usual but ALWAYS fun Steamwhistle afterparty…decisionsdecisions*
Hangover death even a delicious Beaver brunch and new vintage boots could not solve.
Glimmer of hope in a long worthless day:
Fearless Freaks.
If you haven’t seen it and you ever liked music even a little, you need to watch this.
Proof that amazing-creative-genius-sparkling-sunshine-spaceship-forever-art-music-greatness can come from anywhere.
Even Oklahoma fucking City.
Monday: new swim regime commences. Me and ten speedo-clad over-40 mans. lucky girl, I am.
No, really.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Things that I want to accomplish in January.
1. Snowshoeing the Bruce Trail.
2. Eating here.
3. Sledding in Christie Pits (just add zoomers).
to. stop. eating. cheese. and bread.*
*"if cheese and bread didn't exist: I'd be Kate Moss."
- Kelly.**
**results unconfirmed
Monday, January 5, 2009
(Dear hetero boy-friends: this post isn’t for you.)
Ok, what hetero girl doesn’t enjoy cute boys?
My daily fix (considering I work in an office with 50 middle aged women in the centre of the boringest neighbourhood for boystalking… )
Is this.
But lately? What’s the deal cuteboys? The caliber has definitely declined in recent weeks. I’m kind of over the ugly-is-the-new-hot thing. Everyone knows beard is the new black. Hello. I wouldn’t touch a boy without a beard with a 10 foot poll lately. (Ok, Stephen Malkmus, you get a pass. But once you leave those babies and that wife of yours for me, you are leaving that 3-blader behind.)
In other wildly important news, here’s the top 3 consuming me today:
1. Coachella ultimate wishlist: Beirut, Sufjan Stevens, Bowie, or/ Paul McCartney, The Smiths (who, rumour has it, would come with RADIOHEAD who have offered to play for free if Smiths confirm), TV on the Radio, Fleet Foxes, The National (if they have some new material), Kings of Leon, Grizzly Bear, Raveonettes and ummm….let’s throw in a Pavement reunion for good measure.
2. I am officially, undeniably, obsessed with the grosteque. i.e. Chuck Palahniuk. You are so gross and so enthralling. I want to do bad things.
3. Gang Gang Dance. Everyone who knows anything has been talking about this silly weirdo band lately. And so I finally broke down and dove in as of yesterday. And as of today: YES. I should have listened earlier….GGD. I like you. A lot.
Friday, January 2, 2009
2009: Predictions. Decisions. Ramblings*
*not resolutions.
Amy Winehouse dies.
Toronto Star dies.
Recession defines fashion trend: the return of grunge. It’s practically already here anyway. We’re just going to strip back the sequins.
Is tranny-disco-dance-synth over in 2009? I think it might be. Sorry Hercules. You had a good run. The Foxes are taking over.
(how hot is s/he though? seriously. legs for days.)
Improve posture. Stop obsessing over what/who consumed you in 2008. Ski. Swim. Be nicer. Be craftier. New York. Argentina.
Go on the Christian Bale Machinist diet of “water, apples, whisky and cigarettes” after watching Cate Blanchett for 3 hours on the big screen one particular new year’s day. Oh, and I’ll probably need skin graphs too. She is fucking flawless.

Upon completion of Christian Bale diet, fly to Brooklyn and propose to Wes Anderson already*.
*ok, this might not happen.
January 2: I am sick of nazi-themed 2009 already. Stop whoring genocide for an Oscar already, Hollywood.
2009: New York. Berlin. Brazil. I am too young and too old for the mediocrity that I have been putting out this year. I own nothing, owe nothing (well, not emotionally anyway) and should fear nothing about moving up. And on.
Toronto: Is it over? Why, when I own little more than a bed and a few thousand scarves have I become provincial? I have become a city-body (re: homebody tied to a city)…..
Don't call it a cliché
1. Cut Copy – In Ghost Colors (what the hell did I dance to before this?)
2. Bon Iver – For Emma, forever ago (so sweet I could almost cry. Almost.)
3. Fleet Foxes – Sun Giant EP/s/t (so obvious. But so true. I gave this album to my dad for Christmakkah)
4. TV on the Radio – Dear, Science (how did I ever forget about these geniuses?)
5. The Dodos –Visitor (text received after Dodos weeknight show in October when I, the responsible 9-5er left promptly after the last song “we are drinking with the Dodos. You suck.” Thanks friends.)
6. Raveonettes – Lust lust lust (I would, 100%, become a lesbian to get to hear Sharin Foo’s voice every day)
7. Sigur Ros – Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust (no one has any idea what they are saying and I still love this. What did I fall asleep to before this? Oh right, their last album.)
8. Lykke Li – Youth Novels (dear Sweden, how does such great music and so many hot chicks come out of such a boring country? Shhh. I love you.)
9. Portishead – Third (probably prompted by an outstanding, emotional Coachella set)
10. Deerhunter – Microcastle/Weird Era cont. (even if the album cover makes me cringe.)
Almost made it: Los Campinsinos – Hold on now, youngster (I think my days of seeing them for free at the Horseshoe are over.)